A Charles Bukowski poem that resonates with anyone who has ever tried and failed.
This is arguably one of the most constructive, positive and practical sites on the Internet and it costs nothing. Leo Babauta’s take on everything that matters. Take a deep breath and begin here.
A giant in the world of education explores how we really learn.
Another worthy contender for those of us feeling our stress levels rising calm.com.
David Brooks is a renowned columnist at the NYT. His most recent book explores the notion of whether we live our lives for our resume or our eulogy. It’s not prescriptive but inspiring. A brave man to take on such a project in the heart of capitalism - New York City.
As irritating as this song can be at times, it has an infectious heart. And it inspired many people to take to the streets and dance. This interview explains what happened after Pharrell Williams released the original version. How it personally affected him as a person and as an artist.
The power of words and how we place them together best explained in this insightful way.
When cinematic technology and humanity crash together you sometimes get this.
Next time you think life doesn’t make sense, watch this. Then start again.